Tools for Umpires


Capture FCBUA Game card(MS Excel format)

Capture2Lineup Change Card(.pdf format)

FCBUA Rating Elements


For the past several years, Foothill-Citrus umpires have been rated on a three-part basis, the A-B-C list. While the three part rating system served its purpose, it is felt by the board that some umpires fall between the top and middle or the middle and bottom of this system. This new system will provide a more accurate rating for each umpire in Foothill-Citrus. It will also increase accountability for umpires in following policy and procedures.

Therefore, beginning with the 2010 season, as approved by the board, the rating will be based on a five part basis. Umpires are to be rated thusly:


To provide more accountability:

DO NOT rate an umpire a 1 if he: 1) Has mobility issues. DO rate an umpire a 1 if he: 1) Arrives at the game site at least 30 minutes prior to game time, unless he notifies partner in advance. 2) Does email or call partner no later than the night before the game if he is the plate umpire. 3) Does notify the home team head coach of his arrival if he is the first umpire at the game site. 4) Does not consistently violate amateurish behavior standards. 5) Does consistently use the “summon batter” procedure. 6) Follows customary and accepted mechanics or those established by the plate umpire. 7) Has no mobility issues. 8) Does conduct a pregame meeting from the CBUA approved pregame card if he is the plate umpire. 9) Does conduct a postgame meeting if he is the plate umpire. 10) His appearance and uniform are up to standards. (Shoes shined, uniform shirt and pants clean and pressed and a hat that looks presentable and a CBUA patch on outer garment.)

1-The very top group of umpires; probably not more than 10% of the membership. Umpires in this group consistently follow association guidelines and polices. Umpires in this group show excellent judgment in both calling balls and strikes and calling plays on the bases. Their mechanics are within association guidelines and their demeanor and game management are at the highest level. They are also qualified to umpire home plate at any school Foothill-Citrus serves. This group would have no problems with mobility and general physical condition.

2-This group of umpires generally follows association guidelines and policies. This group would consist of umpires who are not quite at the upper level and consistency. This group would have no major problems with mobility and general physical condition. Umpires in this group show acceptable judgment in both calling balls and strikes and calling plays on the bases. Their mechanics are within association guidelines. Umpires in this group have a positive attitude and show that they are willing work to move to the next level.

3-This group consists of umpires who are pretty much in the middle group. These umpires are not particularly strong, but can be counted on to give a good effort day in and day out. Umpires in this group may have mobility problems.

4-This group mainly consists of newer umpires. It would also consist of umpires who have issues with mobility, demeanor and game management.

5-This group consists of umpires who want to “do their thing,” in regard mechanics, and interaction with other umpires. An umpire would be rated at this level only if he continually demonstrates a lack of effort in following association policies and procedures, such as, but not limited to continued use of amateurish behavior.